Homemade Nutella Recipe

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  • Post published:December 10, 2019

Get ready.

I have just figured out how to easily fit Nutella into a healthy, and more eco-friendly, diet without compromising on flavour…what. This is quite possibly the best thing that as happened to me since I discovered I can eat an extra tablespoon of Nutella if I skip the bread – and that was a good day my friends, a very good day. 

I am all for the everything in moderation approach, so don’t get me wrong – I definitely think you can fit Nutella into a healthy lifestyle. Can one ever really discover happiness without Nutella? I think not. BUT, when I discovered I could make a version that has about a quarter of the sugar and NONE of the palm oil, I knew I had to give it a go.

The ability to make a Nutella alternative that’s free from palm oil was one of the biggest positives for me. Palm oil is used in nearly 50% of supermarket products because it works well in most food manufacturing from a technical point-of-view, and primarily, because it’s cheap. However, due to the extent to which palm oil is used, masses of ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests, have been destroyed to make room for oil palm plantations, destroying the habitat of many already endangered animals. 

Being environmentally-friendly and showing respect and care for the animals we share the planet with is something that’s really important to me. Making small decisions every day that may benefit the environment can collectively make a huge difference. And when you can do it without losing out on taste – why wouldn’t you?

In this recipe, I didn’t use any oil whatsoever, which helps reduce the fat content as well. But, you can add a tbsp coconut oil, or any other sustainable oil if you prefer, which will help with creating a smoother texture. I don’t feel like it’s needed, so I skipped it. 

I have to say, I was expecting to like this recipe a lot and was looking forward to having something to hold me off from the Nutella a bit. But I was honestly not expecting this to be as good as it is. I honestly beg you, if you are a Nutella addict like myself, to try this recipe. I have had the seal of approval from my harshest health-food critic (my boyfriend), who let’s just say had the face of a smacked bottom for the fifteen minutes following my feeding him his first taste of 80% dark chocolate… he wasn’t a fan.

If you add this recipe onto toast, I kid you not, you can barely tell it isn’t the real thing.

Delicious Homemade Nutella Recipe

Recipe by Katie Wilson at Salt & Honey
Prep time


Calories (per 2 tbsp, 37g)



If you are a Nutella-lover, you HAVE to try this recipe. It is free from palm oil, and much lower in unncessary fat and sugar than the original, without sacrificing taste!


  • 2 cups hazelnuts (I used this whole 200g bag)

  • 1/2 cup cocoa/cacao

  • 1/4 cup (or less) of pure maple syrup

  • 1tbsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup milk of choice (I like to use coconut milk, but any nut milk would work really well)

  • Optional: 1tbsp oil; pinch salt – I used neither


  • Preheat oven to 180C. Spread hazelnuts onto a baking tray with greaseproof paper, and roast for 10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.
  • Roughly remove the skins by rubbing between your thumb and fingers. Roasting them will make this really easy, but as you can see, you don’t need to get every last skin off. 
  • Place hazelnuts into a food processor and blend until a smooth (as possible) nut butter is formed.
  • Add the cocoa and vanilla, followed by the maple syrup. I always think it’s best to add less sweetener than a recipe calls for, tasting and adding gradually. I don’t think any more than 1/4 cup of maple syrup is needed – I often use slightly less. Blend together.
  • If using oil or salt, these can also be added at this stage.
  • Finally, gradually add the milk, blending between each addition until you reach the desired consistency. I found 1/2 cup just right, but feel free to add more or less depending on preference.
  • Once you have achieved the desired consistency, leave to blend for 3-5 minutes to get the mixture as smooth as possible, before transferring into a jar for storage. You can store this at room temperature keep this in the fridge for about 2 months (as if it would ever last that long).